Nofollow Links; Advantages And Disadvantages - SEO explanation

You may have seen nofollow if you are a blogger. What is a nofollow attribute? What are the results if you do follow or nofollow for a link? What kind of links should be nofollow ?

SEO Explanation

According to Google, "nofollow" provides a way for webmasters to tell search engines "Don't follow links in this page" or "Don't follow this specific link". In my opinion, nofollow attributes are a way of protecting your website from spams and high ranking of your websites and blogs. Wikipedia the largest online library uses nofollow attributes for source link they provide below every post.

If you choose to use "nofollow" attribute then you will have many benefits directly and indirectly.
  • You won't be sharing Page Rank (PR) of your website if you have chosen nofollow attribute.
  •  Google can crawl your website without any obstacles. If you don't use nofollow googlebot will leave your page and follow the link on your website.
 Check out the video, two questions about nofollow attribute are answered by Google:

Check out and learn more about the answer by Google on nofollow attribute. Click here.

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